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Hostname replace
Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname
Open Access DOI rewrite
Avoid paywalls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications when available
Open Access DOI resolver
Select service used by DOI rewrite
Engine tokens
Access tokens for private engines
Results on new tabs

Open result links on new browser tabs
Infinite scroll

Automatically load next page when scrolling to bottom of current page
Search on category select
Perform search immediately if a category selected. Disable to select multiple categories. (JavaScript required)
Vim-like hotkeys
Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). Press "h" key on main or result page to get help.
Image proxy

Proxying image results through SearXNG
Query in the page's title

When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser can record this title
Tracker URL remover
Remove trackers arguments from the returned URL

Currently used search engines

AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability
!bi0.23.0 75
!ddg0.23.0 100
!go0.43.0 100
!-1.33.0 100
without further subgrouping
!clap1.03.0 70
!wp0.43.0 100
AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability
!bii0.33.0 100
!ddi3.0 0
!goi0.33.0 95
AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability
!biv0.33.0 95
!gov0.23.0 90
AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability
AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability

This tab does not exists in the user interface, but you can search in these engines by its !bangs.

AllowEngine name!bangSupports selected languageSafeSearchTime rangeResponse timeMax timeReliability
This is the list of SearXNG's instant answering modules.
min, max, avg, sum, prodStatistics functionsCompute min/max/avg/sum/prod of the argumentsavg 123 548 2.04 24.2
randomRandom value generatorGenerate different random valuesrandom string, random int, random float, random sha256, random uuid
This is the list of plugins.
md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512Hash pluginConverts strings to different hash digests.sha512 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
user-agentSelf InformationDisplays your IP if the query is "ip" and your user agent if the query contains "user agent".
tor-checkTor check pluginThis plugin checks if the address of the request is a Tor exit-node, and informs the user if it is; like, but from SearXNG.

This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your computer.
With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency.

Search URL of the currently saved preferences:

Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by leaking data to the clicked result sites.

URL to restore your preferences in another browser:

Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync preferences across devices.

These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store this data about you.
These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to track you.